Montgomery Montessori Institute
Early Childhood Infant / Toddler​
The knowledge. The experience.
Montgomery Montessori Institute (MMI) was founded in 1993 for individuals interested in becoming certified Early Childhood, or Infant/ Toddler Montessori educators.

A Montessori teacher giving a lesson on the Moveable Alphabet

A child in a Montessori Primary classroom practicing table washing

Montessori Primary students practicing their lessons independently

A Montessori teacher giving a lesson on the Moveable Alphabet
​American Montessori Society (AMS) Credentialing Program for Teachers
In-person Learning Environment
In-person/Online hybrid may be available upon request

Program Details
Montgomery Montessori Institute's two-phased program consists of
Academic and Practicum Phases:
The Academic Phase consists of a concentrated summer session held on the campus of The Franklin Schools, in Rockville, Maryland. During the Academic Phase adult learners are taught through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and observations in active classrooms. The curriculum gives candidates extensive background knowledge in all areas necessary to successfully manage an early childhood, infant, or toddler classroom. Course work during the Academic Phase covers the areas of Montessori philosophy, child development, observation and research techniques, language, math, sensorial activities, practical life, social studies/geography, physical and life science, art, music, movement, and classroom management and administration.
The Practicum Phase of the program is entered once the Academic Phase is completed. During this year long phase, adult learners work under the direction of a qualified AMS (American Montessori Society) or AMI (American Montessori Internationale) certified teacher at an approved internship site for a minimum of 540 hours. The additional Practicum hours consist of seminars held at MMI and research-based independent study. Throughout the Practicum Phase, a Practicum Supervisor, working in conjunction with MMI, serves as an advisor, classroom observer, and liaison between the adult learners and the Supervising Teacher. Candidates who currently hold a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree and have completed at least one year of teaching and/or assisting in a Montessori early childhood classroom, may apply to the Course Director to participate in a self-directed internship. Practicum sites are available locally and throughout the nation.​